Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We Are Back!

Not that we took a break, we've actually been really busy! Just back to the blog. And back with lots of updates. First updates are our kiddos. Maxwell had the big 4 year old party, monster trucks and all. Wells had his 2nd, and Claire is about to have her 1st! We'll show you some pics of their invites and stuff below :)

Our August was great, with lots of back to school orders on just about everything! Chore charts were a big hit, so keep those in mind for Christmas gifts! And we are already working on our Christmas shows. And we are looking to do a few shows in and around Birmingham, so if you would be interested in hosting a show, let us know! You can get a little bit of help with your Christmas shopping in exchange.

Ok, so on to the sales...This is THE beginning of Christmas extravaganza! And the first sale is with The Paper Menu. Are you ready for this?

We have these albums at our house to check out or you can click here to see all the options online. See some of her cute designs below!

And a few birthday party pics for fun!

Maxwell turns 4 (invite by Picture Perfect and both fabulous cakes by Art By the Slice)

Wells turns 2
Invite by Little Lamb Design

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